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A Call For Peace Circle™ Pilots 
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Introduction to Peace Circle™

The Peace Circle™ initiative aims to create unique parks that combine environmental stewardship and peacebuilding. These parks serve as educational environments, symbols of peace, and community gathering places. Designed to be compact and adaptable to urban settings, they promote both physical and digital learning through multilingual educational materials accessible via QR codes. Uniquely, these parks form peace symbols visible on global maps, sending a powerful visual message of peace from communities worldwide.

Background of the Initiative

The Peace Circle™ initiative builds on 20 years of experience from the ENO online school, which has promoted environmental and peace education by planting peace trees. This effort has reached 10,000 schools and communities in 157 countries, resulting in the planting of over 30 million trees. The Peace Circle™ parks represent the next step in this journey, uniting environmental conservation and peacebuilding on a global scale. The first Peace Circle™ will be inaugurated in Finland on 20 September 2024.

What It Means to Be a Peace Circle™ Pilot?

As a pilot city for Peace Circle™, you will:

  • Establish a Peace Circle™ park based on our innovative concept, selecting and preparing a suitable location.

  • Engage the community and local organizations in transformative peacebuilding and environmental activities.

  • Implement the park design and educational components according to our comprehensive guidelines.

  • Collaborate in the development of our online services for Peace Circles™, including multilingual versions, enhancing global accessibility and engagement.

  • Contribute to a global network of Peace Circles™ by sharing progress and insights through regular updates and evaluations.

Selection Timeline and Goals

Our goal is to select 5 pilot cities by the end of 2024 and expand to 5-10 additional cities in the first half of 2025. We aim to have pilot cities from every continent.

Peace Circle™ Pilots 2024

  • Form Submission Deadline: 30 September 2024

  • Review Period: 4-6 weeks

  • Notification of Selection: 15 November 2024

  • Planning and Coordination: January - March 2025

  • Pilot Implementation Begins: May 2025

Peace Circle™ Pilots 2025

  • Form Submission Deadline: 30 December 2024

  • Review Period: 4-6 weeks

  • Notification of Selection: February 2025

  • Planning and Coordination: March - May 2025

  • Pilot Implementation Begins: September 2025

Support and Resources
As a pilot city, your city/municipality will be expected to provide support specifically for the establishment and maintenance of the Peace Circle™ park. This includes:

  • Financial support

  • Logistical support

  • Community engagement

If your city or municipality is interested in becoming a pilot location for Peace Circle™, please complete the following form.

For more information, please contact:

Mika Vanhanen
Founder, Plant And Care For Peace Association

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